"Hectors dolphins are only found around the New Zealand coastline, but today they face a serious threat from gill-nets and trawl-nets, in which they can become entangled and die. A few deaths a year are likely to have a serious impact on the survival of some of the Hectors dolphin populations, yet it is estimated that more than100 may be dying in nets each year. We need your help to call for stronger protection for these dolphins. Please send an e-mail to New Zealands Ministers for Fisheries and Conservation urging them to take urgent and strong action.
Step 1: Please fill in your details (right). To be effective, the decision maker receiving this letter needs to see it as a genuine letter from you. Your name and address will be included for this purpose. WDCS will not give your details to any other lists or organisations. All fields marked with a * must be filled in.
Step 2: We have supplied the basic letter, please feel free to personalise it. When you are happy with the letter, click 'send'. Your details will be automatically added to the bottom of the letter."