GBLT... I thought you were talking about Giant BLT sandwiches... LOL...
But really, here's my thoughts: love is love no matter who the two (or more ) people are. So, no one has the right to tell any couple they cannot be together. Anyone remember "right to pursue happiness"? Of course, they should have the same rights as everyone else. That goes without saying.
Marriage has historically been between a man and a woman. An equal GBLT version can be created and should be. It can even become just as legally binding as a real marriage (with all the tax credits, home loans, divorce proceedings, etc). It would seem odd at first, but every major change in society seems odd at first. People grow to accept it fairly quickly.
However, GBLTs should abide by the same standards as straight people do. Thus, no openly sickening amount of affection for each other. Basically, be reserved about it. Don't go flaunting it. That's just tacky. Some straight couples do this and it's just as tacky.
Well, that's about all I can think of right now.
I'm goin' down to South Park, gonna have myself a time. Friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation.
lol well again, as a Christian, i do not believe in gay couples. first of all i would like to say that i do not blame the people themselves for feeling that way. i dont expect them to change just because of my religion, but i personally dont support it. why not? because the bible says it is wrong. when this subject is brought up, people ALWAYS say that any couples should have the same rights as another, but because of what i believe, i disagree. i do not think that these couples are equal. i think any couples other that girl-guy couples are unatural. and so does God lol. and sure, u r probably thinking why does this girl base her whole belief on one verse of the bible? but i believe that the bible is Gods word, and i also believe God knows what is best for us.